You have a free day today, you can use the approved websites, and anything else that isn't inaapropriate (google earth for example). However, as always, no youtube.
![]() It's been real. You are, at the very least, the 17th best class I have ever had ;- You have a free day today, you can use the approved websites, and anything else that isn't inaapropriate (google earth for example). However, as always, no youtube. Here are a few parting songs I would like you to consider:By the way, contrary to this song's lyrics, I will definitely NOT be seeing any of you in my dreams. That is, Unless I'm having a nightmare! ;-) Those songs above are weird, but this is just pure awesome!
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![]() Okay, I think we are ready to really get mashing on this web site project so here it is: Step One: We already created the file structure for your website last week. You will remember that each web page you created had a "container" div, an H1 heading, and links to each of the other pages. We then formatted the div using our stylesheet. In addition to this, we created a special folder where you would store all the images for your website. COMPLETED Step Two: On Tuesday I asked you to map out the hierarchy of your website. You printed it and turned it in. You should have also saved that planning document in your network folder to refer back to later. You should keep this doc open as you code. COMPLETED Step Three: Today I am asking that you begin the really brain-heavy work of beginning to code your website. This means that on your Homepage, you begin adding the HTML code that will make up the written content. Please make sure that you tag each paragraph as it's own paragraph so that you can assign id's and classes later on and make your layout work easier. This stage is mainly an HTML stage, NOT a CSS stage. Take a look at the image below. THis is what a website looks like before styling is applied to it. This is what yours should look like too (but with your own custom content). Please note that you are free to use Lorem Ipsum text for any paragraph text, but all the headings on your website s Since we're missing 8th graders today (camping trip) and many of you have been absent the last few days (leadership/field trips), we are going to take one day to play catch-up. Anyone who wasn't here on friday needs to meet with me about the file structure for your website project.
Anyone who wasn't here, or came late yesterday, needs to work on laying out the website hierarchy using a microsoft word document. If you printed your hierarchy yesterday, but it wasn't yet finished (Oscar for example) please finish it today, and reprint it. Everyone else should work on completing any leftover Treehouse badges, or, if you feel like you are ready to get going, you can start working on finding the photos for your website, and saving them in the images folder. Nothing crazy today except getting your files in order. We will structure your files together so that we are all starting the project with the same base coding.
Taking a second to really reflect on everything we have done so far this semester is pretty incredible. You have come a LONG way from the first day of class when, most likely, the way webpages were designed was a total mystery to you. Since then you have learned many of the basic building blocks that make up a webpage, as well as some of the more advanced styling concepts that customize the look and feel of most of the worlds nicest sites. Beyond that, many of those learning exercises you have worked on in treehouse, and codecademy have really pushed you to think critically about finding a code-based solution to html and css topics. Along the way, you have been resourceful in finding solutions to problems you were having in design, and very helpful to one another when called upon to assist (something I promise you will be a part of your final grade considerations). Today, I want to push you even further with the knowledge you have unlocked. I am asking all of you to begin designing a website today. About what? I am about to get to that. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Imagine for a moment that you are a very famous web designer. You specialize in designing web sites for local restaurants/catering companies, pizza places, bike shops, flower shops, comic book stores, and lots of other small businesses across Los Angeles. Here is one of the websites you designed and got paid a lot of money for creating: http://larkcakeshop.com/ You will notice that this website is fairly similar to the Smells Like Bakin' Cupcake Company website that you worked on in sublime. Notice the menu items, and take a look at the kind of information and the different elements that each page contains. In the box below, write down all the different elements you notice on this website (for instance, there is a contact form on the "weddings" page where people who are interested in getting more information can submit there contact info), and write down exactly how each page is presented (the cakes page has a submenu of three items and a photographic list of each cake the shop makes and a description for example). YOU'RE NOT DONE YET. KEEP READING BELOW!Now imagine you have been given $30,000 to design a website for a local business that has come to you for help (you are both the local business and the web designer in this daydream ok?). What are you going to create? I want you to start thinking about the website you are going to build. Thinking about the Lark Cake Shop Website, in the form below, give me a rough-draft-idea of the type of website you are going to create for this project. This is an open-ended creative project. Later on I will give you a list of smaller requirements I have for things you need to include, but right now I am asking you to think creatively. Once you have submitted your idea to me, I will need time to review it and approve it. Please head over to codecademy or treehouse and work on anything you haven't finished. If you have already finished everything on treehouse and codecademy, Good Job.
![]() ...I'm not done creating it yet! That's right, I've been so bogged down with Quarter Four classes that I am still not done outlining the entire project and all of the materials you will need in order to start it. I did however, get a complete list of the badges I have assigned this semester on the board today (and on the windows). So, what does all this mean? You have one more day to play catch-up on any badges you haven't yet earned. Also, don't forget that Codecademy is part of your final grade in this class as well. If you haven't completed all those tasks related to html and css, please do so when you finish your Treehouse badges. ![]() Reminder from yesterday. In addition to all those other badges you need to get finished, you must also complete the "HTML Forms" badge AND a sublime text 2 file with the work you did to earn the badge. Remember, I also asked you to take notes on some of the key pieces of code you learn in this badge assignment. I will be collecting those notes when you finish. Okay, I'm not going to lie. I had a complete assignment post written up here today with images and instructions, but Weebly ate it while I was publishing.
I don't have enough time to recreate it. Please continue your work from last week. Argh. ![]() Way back, a long long time ago, I assigned a learning adventure. The first badges I assigned in that adventure were from a section called "Build a Simple Website." However, once we had completed the first two badges, we skipped forward to other topics. Today I am asking us to revisit the work we were doing. The next two badges I am assigning you (neither of which require any Sublime Text 2 work) are called "creating a web site structure" and "styling content." Once you have finished our CSS badges, you can head back to your learning adventure, and complete these two new badges. ASSIGNED TODAY: |
AuthorMr. Griswold will probably go down as one of the greatest educators ever to grace the halls of Camino Nuevo Charter Academy. Archives
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